Class: Device


new Device(deviceJson)

Represents a device. This object is passed to the client application to determine which device to communicate with. A device is never instantiated directly, it is supplied by the native application.

Client API Level 2
Name Type Description
deviceJson string Json describing this device
Name Type Description
Device.sendErrorCallback ResponseCallback Function that is called if the errorCallback is not included for a send operation
Device.sendFinishedCallback ResponseCallback Function that is called if a finishedCallback is not included for a send operation
Device.readErrorCallback ResponseCallback Function that is called if an errorCallback is not included for a read operation
Device.readFinishedCallback ResponseCallback Function that is called if an finishedCallback is not included for a read operation


connection :string

The connection type. Possible values are 'network', 'usb', 'bluetooth'
  • string

deviceType :string

The type of device.
  • string

name :string

The friendly name of the device. This will be generated based on the response from discovered network printers. For USB printers, this value will be the same as the uid
  • string

readRetries :number

The default number of times to retry on reads when no data is received. Set to 1 for bluetooth connections, otherwise 0.
  • number


convertAndSendFile(resource, finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt, optionsopt)

Send contents of url or blob to the device. If the url points to an image file (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif) or PDF, it will automatically be converted to a printer command language. This method is a wrapper for BrowserPrint.convert

Client API Level 4
Name Type Attributes Description
resource string | blob The url from which data will be retrieved and be sent to the device
finishedCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when sending is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending.
options object <optional>
Options for converting the file.
Name Type Attributes Description
toFormat string | 'zpl' | 'cpcl' | 'kpl' | 'none' <optional>
The format the file should be converted to. Options are zpl, cpcl, kpl, and none. If 'none' is provided, the resource will not be converted to a different format before sending to or storing on the device. Default value is zpl.
fromFormat string <optional>
The format of the resource provided. If not specified, the application will attempt to determine the format based on the file type or file structure.
action string | 'print' | 'store' | 'return' <optional>
The action to take with the converted data. 'print' will attempt to make the converted resource printable and send it to the printer. 'store' will attempt to make the resource storable and store it at the path provide. 'return' will convert the resource and return it to the browser.
resize.width int <optional>
The width an image resource should be resized to
resize.height int <optional>
The height an image resource should be resized to
fitTo.width int <optional>
Scale an image resource so that it fits into a rectangle described by fitTo.width and fitTo.height, maintaining aspect ratio.
fitTo.height int <optional>
Scale an image resource so that it fits into a rectangle described by fitTo.width and fitTo.height, maintaining aspect ratio.
scale float <optional>
Scale an image resource by the this factor.
featureKey string <optional>
The licensing key for the resource conversion. Currently, only converting from a PDF format requires a licensing key

read(finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Read data from the device

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
finishedCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when reading is completed, passing in the data read.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while reading, passing in the error message if there is one.

readAllAvailable(finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt, retriesopt)

Read data from the device until a read completes with no data returned.

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
finishedCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when reading is completed, passing in the data read.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while reading, passing in the error message if there is one.
retries int <optional>
The number of reads to attempt before receiving any data. Once any amount of data is received, no retries will be made. If this value is undefined, the value of the readRetries property will be used.

readUntilStringReceived(receivedString, finishedCallback, errorCallbackopt, retriesopt)

Read data from the device until a specific string is received, or the read response is empty

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
receivedString string The String that must be received before the finishedCallback is called.
finishedCallback ResponseCallback The function that is called when reading is completed, passing in the data read.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while reading, passing in the error message if there is one.
retries int <optional>
The number of reads to attempt before receiving any data. Once any amount of data is received, no retries will be made. If this value is undefined, the value of the readRetries property will be used.

send(dataToSend, finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Send data to the device

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
dataToSend string The data to be sent to the device
finishedCallback function <optional>
The function that is called when sending is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending.

sendFile(resource, finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt)

Send contents of url or blob to the device without any conversion.

Client API Level 4
Name Type Attributes Description
resource string | blob The url from which data will be retrieved, or an already loaded blob, which will be sent to the device
finishedCallback function <optional>
The function that is called when sending is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending.

sendThenRead(dataToSend, finishedCallback, errorCallbackopt)

Send data to the device, then read a response back

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
dataToSend string The data to be sent to the device
finishedCallback ResponseCallback The function that is called when reading is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending or reading data.

sendThenReadAllAvailable(dataToSend, finishedCallback, errorCallbackopt, retriesopt)

Send data to the device, then read all available data back

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
dataToSend string The data to be sent to the device
finishedCallback ResponseCallback The function that is called when reading is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending or reading data.
retries int <optional>
The number of reads to attempt before receiving any data. Once any amount of data is received, no retries will be made. If this value is undefined, the value of the readRetries property will be used.

sendThenReadUntilStringReceived(dataToSend, receivedString, finishedCallback, errorCallbackopt, retriesopt)

Send data to the device, then read a response back until the specified string is received or all data has been read

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
dataToSend string The data to be sent to the device
receivedString string The string that must be received before the finishedCallback is called.
finishedCallback ResponseCallback The function that is called when reading is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending or reading data.
retries int <optional>
The number of reads to attempt before receiving any data. Once any amount of data is received, no retries will be made. If this value is undefined, the value of the readRetries property will be used.

sendUrl(urlOfResource, finishedCallbackopt, errorCallbackopt, optionsopt)

Send contents of url to the device. If the url points to an image file (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif) or PDF, it will automatically be converted to a printer command language.

Client API Level 2
Name Type Attributes Description
urlOfResource string The url from which data will be retrieved and be sent to the device
finishedCallback function <optional>
The function that is called when sending is completed.
errorCallback ResponseCallback <optional>
The function that is called when an error occurs while sending.
options object <optional>
Options for converting the file at the url being sent.
Name Type Attributes Description
featureKey string <optional>
The licensing key for the file conversion. Currently, only converting from a PDF file requires a licensing key
toFormat string <optional>
The format the file should be converted to. Options are zpl, cpcl, and kpl. Default value is zpl.
fromFormat string <optional>
The file type of the resource to convert from. If not specified, the file extension will be used to determine file type.
  • - This method has been deprecated as of version 3.0.0 and will be removed in the future. Please reference convertAndSendFile for a replacement method.